Electronic article surveillance

Comprehensive anti-theft and loss prevention solutions and solutions for creating a better user experience. AM, RF and RFID solutions

A wide selection of high performance anti-theft systems protects various types of products, from textiles, footwear, food, technical products and more. Protective antennas are stylishly designed and can be fully customized to your internal shop arrangements.

  • Loss prevention
  • tool for theft prevention and detection
  • sales promotion
  • improved detection performance
  • reduced impact of interference on the performance of systems
  • covering various passage widths
  • different forms of security tags and labels according to products
  • special safeguard solutions
  • possibility of various upgrades (advertising, people counting, metal detection, remote service)
  • system connectivity into the REMS information system. 




SuperTagIII l


supertagdetacher l


powerpaddeactivator l




RF antene Nedap



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