Measuring people's body temperature
A new dimension of danger - act because of your employees and customers. We are facing a new epidemic, to which we are adapting through joint actions. However, all this shows us what we can expect in the future, so that viral diseases will need to be taken care of and mitigated, even in a way that allows access to business premises only to healthy people.
By measuring people's temperature, we provide security for employees and customers. This measure represents a competitive advantage as people become more aware of the importance of health value. For this purpose, there are specially developed cameras for the manual measurement of people's temperature, without prejudice to a person's personal space and are measured at a distance of 1.5 m to 3 m. Another solution is a stationary thermal camera where the camera is mounted on a wall. Artificial intelligence reduces false alarms when measuring temperature.

Such measures are intended wherever you want to restrict the entry of persons with high temperature or identify and properly target them to ensure the safety of employees and other visitors in public institutions (educational institutions, municipalities, courts, libraries), passenger terminals (bus stations , railway stations, airports, ports), industrial facilities, shopping malls and shops.


Termalna kamera pogled


Ročno merjenje temparature



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