Fire detection system
The main goal of fire detection system is effectively preventing people threats and damage to equipment and buildings.
Carefully designed and implemented fire detection system saves lives and property
The purpose and mission of fire detection system is the early detection of fire or combustion products formed during oxidation (smoldering or burning). System belongs to the active fire detection systems. Fire needs to be controlled in real time because every second counts - therefore it is important to select advanced high quality fire detection system already in the planning and designing stage, based on characteristics of each facility.
- Early fire detection
- injury and damage prevention
- high operational reliability in different conditions
- detection of different types of fire
- voice detectors for alarming and evacuation
- high performance system with the possibility of extension
- integration with other technical systems
- 24/7 technical service and support.
Fire detection control panel
Fire detection control panel is the main part of fire detection system. Basic control panel power supply is a mains voltage of 230 V AC. Gas tight batteries are used as backup power supply, providing autonomous operation of fire detection system up to 72 hours in normal state and another 30 minutes in alarm state.
- Supplying power to the fire alarm system elements
- acquisition and evaluation of sensor signals
- execution of control functions on other systems
- automatic control of doors
- control of air conditioning systems and fire dampers
- javljanje in obveščanje (sirene, bliskavice, centrale, govorno obveščanje, …)
- event memory of alarms
- alarming (sirens, flashes, panels, sound system, ...)
- event memory of alarms.
Automatic fire detectors
Automatic smoke detectors detect ambiental changes caused by fire, such as smoke, heat or gasses produced during fire. Choice of detetor type is dependent on the environment in which it is used. Automatic detectors work on a principle of decentralized intelligence meaning the signal is evaluated in detector itself and only alarm or trouble is transmitted to the control panel. This enables control panels to drive more detectors.
- Single and multisensor detectors: optical (O), thermal (TM in TD), optical-thermal (OT), multisensor optical (blue LED) -thermal(OT blue), multisensor optical - thermal - gas (OTG)
- dual multisensor detectors: multisensor dual optical-thermal (O2T)
- air duct detectors - multisensor optical (blue LED) - thermal (OTblue)
- linear thermal detectors
- linear beam detectors
- detectors in explosion proof (Ex) version (TM, TD,; O in O2Tali OT z ATEX)
- manual call points.
Automatic detectors with integrated alarming devices
Automatic detectors with integrated alarming devices are intended for public buildings, with larger occupation (schools, universities, hospitals, dormitories, hotels, airports, train stations, shopping malls and vnues, museums, theatres, parking garages). Built-in alarming devices (sounders, flashers) ensure, that in case of alarm people are notified and evacuated. Evacuation guidance can be optimized with prerecorded voice messages. Voice messages can be in up to 5 languages.
Detectors with integrated alarming devices provide various functions, depending on its type:
- integrated optical smoke detector (EN 54-7)
- integrated thermal detector (EN 54-7)
- optical alarm with flash or ligh beacon(EN 54-3)
- sound alarm with siren (EN 54-3)
- sound alarm with voice messages (EN 54-3).
- Optical smoke detector with siren (O/So)
- Dual technology detector (O2T) with siren (/So), speaker (/Sp) or flasher (/F) in any combination.
Detectors with voice messages can have messages in up to 5 languages. Detectors with integrated siren can have up to 4 different alarm tones. Two tones are dedicated for alarm and evacuation, while remaining two can be used for other alarming events.
Input/output control units
Control of other systems is usually required in case of fire. This is done via inputs and outputs on control panel or I/O modules (EBK). At least FIRE and TROUBLE alarms are transmitted to monitoring station, while there are also other signals for needed for controlling air conditioning systems, fire dampers, light domes and similar. Input modules can be used to connect auxillaty devices not being capable of connecting directly to bus (fire damper state indicators, end switches, gas detection sensors).